The past.

Everyone has something in their past that haunts them- something they keep going back to, something that makes them build walls around their heart so high that no body could possibly get in. It drains their energy because they keep worrying about it accruing again and what would happen of them if it actually does.

You hold on to the past for dear life because it can feel so real, you can vividly remember what you felt and went through. And your brain tricks you into believing that that is what you are going to be feeling all your life.

But the past is merely a concept, it isn’t real.

Yes, it was real at some point but right now, it is nothing but something that was real a long time ago. This very moment, what I am saying, this is reality, this is real. Everything else is just a thought in your head. And what you are doing is fueling this thought every single day. To gain what? Pain.

The past is just a collection of memories. The traumatic experiences that you went through are like butterflies; butterflies that have found a comfy spot deep inside your brain and have spread their wings out to reach each and every neurone.

It is like you are scared of letting go of something that you don’t really have and so you hold on. You feel if you get rid of these butterflies, you are letting go of the person you used to be or because you feel it is better to have something than absolutely nothing. But the truth is to have it halfway is harder than not having it at all. And the day you realise this, it is not going to be hard to master the skills of letting go.

This is life, people screw us over. We lose bestfriends and the ability to open up to anyone with them, we blame new lovers for the things old lovers did, we don’t let anyone touch us because of the abuse we went through as a kid, we blame ourself for the trauma that ended up ruining us so much that we find it incredibly difficult to move forward.

It is possible to let go of the past. That’s just how the human psychology works. But the question is, are you willing to work for it?

You need to believe that right now, regardless of what you want or what you feel, life is preparing you for something better. The right people will find you at the right time. Just leave it at that. Don’t let your thoughts confuse a chapter to the whole book. You have a future on the other side of this.

A negative experience in the past is not doing anything positive for you now, nor will it in the future. It’s only making you cry yourself to sleep. It’s only holding you back. It’s only making you believe in humanity lesser and lesser as the days go by. It’s only ruining you a little more every second. So, stop living in the past and start living in the moment, the reality. Your peace is more important than finding answers to why something happened the way it did.

The past should remain where it belongs, in the past.

It is gone and you can’t change it.

So, let it go.

It is time to create space for better things.


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Muskan says:

    Shivani good


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