My love.

Grief comes home like the mistress nobody ever asked for. She takes you away from me, makes you feel isolated and alone. Nevertheless, she still makes you feel like she is the only one who has truly ever loved you. Is it really love though? Here one minute and then boom, gone. I am afraid…

It is too late now.

“Why? Why didn’t you tell me that you tried to kill yourself?” I scream as soon as he opens his door for me to step inside. He looks taken aback for a split second but he quickly recovers. Come in, he tells me and so I do. He gestures for me to sit on his…

The past.

Everyone has something in their past that haunts them- something they keep going back to, something that makes them build walls around their heart so high that no body could possibly get in. It drains their energy because they keep worrying about it accruing again and what would happen of them if it actually does….

It takes more courage to suffer than to die.

You sit on your bathroom floor every night holding a knife close to your chest ‘cause no matter how insane it sounds to others, it makes you feel a little sane..? Life has got to the point of falling asleep crying and waking up crying. You have this pain in your chest that is running…

You’re not as ____ as you think you’re.

You are sinking but it is not like you are trying to swim. You don’t feel the sudden rush of adrenaline in your body. You feel calm. It is almost like you have come to terms with it. A peaceful acceptance. But you see a light shining from above the water. For a moment you…

Battle scars.

Pain. Does pain make you turn away from yourself? Pain makes people turn away from almost anything. It is such a simple word but such a complex feeling.  Pain can make you do things you would never have imagined to do. Such as, reaching out for the sleeping pills hidden in the drawer of your…

Whatever our souls are made of, hoping for it to be the same.

We often think we crave for someone’s presence, love or attention. We crave for their soul to touch ours. We long and ache to find someone with whom we can have a meaningful relationship with, and our souls crave to find another of its kind. Whatever our souls are made of, hoping for it to…


You sit in your balcony looking at the handful amount of stars twinkling in the sky and hope time would just stop right at that moment. You see a shooting star and you close your eyes in a hurry to wish for something. Anything. When you think of something to wish for, your entire world…

It has always been a struggle.

It has always been a struggle. A struggle between choosing to live again, do more than just exist or just breathe. Society will ask you to live again, rather force you to believe there is still good in this word and that life is worth how many ever shots it can get. That’s where the…

There is a monster in me.

There is a monster in me, fighting to unleash itself. A monster colder than ice, wilder than a Lynx. A monster that took no time or effort in killing the little girl in me. The girl that believed in fairy tales and happy endings. The girl who looked for the good in the worst. The…

7 billion people, 7 billion roles in this play.

“Nobody is useless, everybody is priceless,” said one of the most wise teacher I have come across so far. If we give it some thought, It’ll start making sense. It is true that everyone in this world has a purpose. A purpose to do something, be something, become something. No matter how hard we try…