
You sit in your balcony looking at the handful amount of stars twinkling in the sky and hope time would just stop right at that moment. You see a shooting star and you close your eyes in a hurry to wish for something. Anything. When you think of something to wish for, your entire world seems to have faded away. It is then that you realize that you have nothing that you hope for anymore. You have stopped wishing for things to happen. You have realized today that you have stopped living life. You are literally just trying to get to the next day, just living in the thought of tomorrow. You are not living, you are waiting. Nobody knows what it is that you are waiting for and nor do you.
Maybe it is better this way. Waiting for something or anything feels a lot better than living without having anything to look forward to.

Today a star falling at the speed of 130 kms/sec had the power to crash into your entire world and break all its walls. But what are you planning on doing about it? Wait. Wait for something awesome to happen. Something that’ll make you internally happy, that’ll help your soul heal, heal from all the sufferings and pain, heal from all the heartache. But waiting doesn’t stop you from thinking that maybe that something you are waiting for doesn’t really exist. Little do you know that everything is destined to happen and you’ll find that something you have been patiently waiting for, maybe memories in the form of happiness or death in the form of freedom.

I hope, someday you find that something you’ve been waiting for all along, hopefully not something or someone but your own conscience.

You’re the creator of your own happiness. Nobody has the power to make you happy unless you want to be happy yourself. Choose happiness everyday.


2 Comments Add yours

  1. caprijase says:

    0.0 dayumn dude …. This hit me right in the feels .. Like a falling star crashed into me πŸ˜› … C wot i did der (^.^)


    1. Haha, cute. Thanks.πŸ–€


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